
Because you can't handle the truth. We live in an odd world these days, and no day goes by without something contradictory happening. Or double standards occurring. The sheer lunacy of it all. Pointed out to you by yours truly. Enter the LoongTao!

Monday, December 19, 2005

Gift Cards -the double-edged sword

What is so great about gift cards?

Well, you don't have to do a whole lot of shopping if all you can get is a gift card. The downside? Everyone knows exactly what you spent. Everyone knows you chose not to take the time to find a gift befitting the recipient. But then again, the recipients are probably doing the same thing.

When I was young, a gift card was a money envelope with cash. It had that whole in the middle so you can the president. That was my gift card.

And another thing: I've received gift cards for stores not even in my city. I don't have a car, but why travel 20 miles just to use a $20.00 gift card! Besides, have you ever read the notice on the back? It clearly states, if you don't use it, each year the amount drops a certain denomination, usually a buck or 2; and it has an expiration date. WTF?! I paid for it. It should be good for life.

Have you heard? McDonald's just came out with a gift card. Right after Jack-In-The-Box did. And speaking of JITB, is that the lamest commercial you've ever scene? "Duh, you're the hungry guy with no Jack card." Dumb b****. what, are you ****ing blind? What a ditz.

Credit is debt, waiting to happen

I 've had problems with credit, twice in my life. I decided years ago, no more credit cards. It messed up my rating, but at least no one else would want to steal my identity.

So now I only deal with cash. Renting a car, hotel, or securing travel arrangements can be a hassle without a card. I suppose I could do the secured card thing. But then I'd still have to pony up the $300-$500 dollars reuqired to keep in the account. So, basically, you're borrowing against your own money. And if you choose to make a partial payment, you're paying iterest as well, to the company; on your own money! That sucks.

So dealing with cash only can be very humbling. It teaches you to live beneath your means. It makes you save for something you want. It makes you get what you need first, before what you want. the cars, hotels, and airfare, well, you have to save up for it anyway. It can all be done in person. You can make a reservation with a card. They allow a certain amount of time. So I send them a money order.

I only deal with cash and money orders. Doing it this way has kept my actual bills down to 4. Rent, phone, gas/electric, and cable. And the 3 utilities are paid in cash at one place 4 blocks from my house.

Life simplified.