PGE Props
No, not Proctor & Gamble. I'm talking about PG&E. Now I know what you're thinking: props for PG&E? What are you smoking? I'll be first to tell you I was surprised myself. But I'll also be the first to give credit where credit is due.
I was running on the edge as I always do, with the 48-hour notice. Of course, I haven't got a replacement mailbox key since I lost it awhile back, and the landlord is slow to replace it. Fortunately, I received a message on my phone last night (Thursday) that I had till 8pm to call for arrangements. I've done this before, and knew for certain I wouldn't br granted until Wednesday thew next week. They usually want it the next day.
Well, I hadn't called yet, and at 6pm, the power went out. So I called and found out there was an outage. Go figure. So I called customer service expecting them to not turn it back on because of the past due balance.
Lo and behold, he said I could go as late Thursday the next week! Hot damn.
So while everyone else in the neighborhood was pissed off without power (is that possible), I was ecstatic that it was coming back on, and staying on till payday!
Thanks PG&E. This time you came through.