
Because you can't handle the truth. We live in an odd world these days, and no day goes by without something contradictory happening. Or double standards occurring. The sheer lunacy of it all. Pointed out to you by yours truly. Enter the LoongTao!

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Up In Smoke

I hate smokers. How's that for bluntness. There's nothing good about them. They discard their butts on the sidewalks and streets, and don't even step on them. They're outside all the time creating smokescreens than the rest of us have to walk through.

Why, one time, I heard a company created a policy that dictated those who smoked, only got a half hour for lunch, while those who didn't, got 1 hour. Easily tracked. People leave and hang out front. Several times a day, for periods of up to 20 minutes. Sure, they SAY they're taking a 5 minute smoke break. Geez, it takes 5 minutes just to get out of the building. Then you have the friends who stand around chit-chatting. So much talking that half the cigarette goes up in smoke without ever being inhaled. So what do they do? Light another one.

You're entitled to a half hour. But not an hour. So why do the smokers only get a half hour? Because you only are entitled to 1 10 minute break per 4 hour period. And smokers take 10-15 minute smoke every couple of hours; some every hour.

This is why American productivity is down. Too many smokers out front, lighting up, instead of at their desk, "handlin' dey bidness". And those who don't smoke have to cover while they're outside.

Just like parents can leave early for family reasons, and not have those couple hours deducted from their vacation time, but single persons don't.

Same hypocrisy.

Oh, by the way, the smokers complained about it being unconstitutional, and unfair, so the company had to give up that policy.

But you KNOW they're being watched.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

Go Speed Racer Go

Just recently got a Racer X workshirt from ComicCon. Which reminds me: Speed Racer was a wuss. Now don't get me wrong - this is just in hindsight. I grew with Speed, Pops, Trixie and Chim-Chim (and whatever the brat's name was) on Saturday afternoons. It was my favorite growing up (which probably was responsible for the love for racing in my adult life).

But Racer X was the real champ. If you remember, he was the older brother who ran away. Speed is a wuss, and I'll tell you why. Because he's a wimpering crybaby. He always won the race, with Racer X's help. Who rescued him everytime from the bad guys? Racer X. Who saved his life countless times, on those cliff edges during the thunderous rainstorms? Racer X.

You can tell if Speed ever came in second, he would have a temper tantrum. How? Chalk it up to his passion and emotion he has for the race.

Racer X is god.